People who analyze movies to find hidden meanings have always been good at making bizarre connections between films and uncovering underlying messages. They’ve devised theories about possible secrets concealed in the Star Wars world and how plots of different movies might be connected in unlikely ways. These theories are so entertaining that people can keep discussing them for hours. Some creative and peculiar fan theories have existed long, while others may be fresh. These ideas range from unpredictable conspiracies to unexplainable supernatural events and much more.
A Look At Some Of The Top Twenty Darkest Movie Theories Ever Put Forward
1. The Shining is a Metaphor For Native American Genocide: It’s theorized that Stanley Kubrick’s classic horror film, The Shining, is a metaphor for the genocide of Native Americans. The Overlook Hotel is said to represent the white invaders who came in and stole away their land. At the same time, Jack Torrance, played by Jack Nicholson, stands in for the Native American people trying to protect their way of life from destruction.
2. Jurassic Park Is About Creationism vs. Evolution: This theory states that Steven Spielberg’s blockbuster dinosaur movie, Jurassic Park, is about the clash between creationist beliefs and evolutionary science. In the film, Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum), an outspoken advocate of evolution, hits with John Hammond (Richard Attenborough), a wealthy scientist whose ambition is to bring dinosaurs back to life using technology instead of natural selection.
3. The Matrix trilogy mainly represents brainwashing and deception. Neo (Keanu Reeves) reveals that he has been living in a simulated reality created by machines, an allegory of how forces can often manipulate our lives without us even realizing it.
4. Star Wars Is About Space Colonialism: It’s suggested that George Lucas’ epic space saga is about space colonialism. Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) represents the oppressed struggling against tyrannical oppressors such as the Empire. At the same time, Han Solo (Harrison Ford) symbolizes those individuals who fight for freedom rather than accept subjugation.
5. Some believe that “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy tells a hidden allegory about World War II. The “Fellowship of the Ring” represents the allies, such as the United States and Great Britain, while Sauron’s forces symbolize the Nazis in this theory.
6. According to some “Star Wars” fans, Darth Vader led Anakin Skywalker to his descent into darkness by accessing an alternate form of the dark side of the force known as ‘The Black,’ which gave him enhanced power to use the energy for evil.
7. Another fan favorite is that Jim Carrey’s character, Truman Burbank, in “The Truman Show,” lives in a massive reality show where he unknowingly plays the starring role. This narrative provokes thoughts about reality and whether people ultimately control their lives.
8. The theory surrounding “The Lion King” suggests that Simba is dead throughout the movie. This tale is a deep symbolic look at death, where Simba has to come to terms with the gravity of his actions to cross over into the equivalent of lion Heaven.
9. Inception: A popular fan theory postulates that Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) never escaped from limbo at the end of Christopher Nolan’s classic sci-fi thriller. Instead, Dom remains in eternal dream limbo, unable to escape because he still has unresolved trauma from his past.
10. IT: Some fans believe that the novel and film adaptation of Stephen King’s classic horror novel is part of a massive allegory for religious hypocrisy. The idea is that the group of children in the story symbolizes innocence lost to religion. At the same time, Pennywise’s fear-inducing tactics represent the dangers of blindly following a faith instead of questioning it.
11. Harry Potter: This popular fan theory suggests that Dumbledore planned his death to use love’s power to defeat Voldemort. By sacrificing himself, Dumbledore was able to give Harry strength to continue and save Hogwarts from destruction at the hands of Lord Voldemort.
Another theory revolves around the role of Hermione Granger, played by actress Emma Watson in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. According to this theory, Hermione played multiple versions of herself throughout the movie — each subtly different from the last. This theory is based on a scene early in the film where Severus Snape appears to be talking to three Hermiones simultaneously, suggesting that more than one version of her character might exist within J.K Rowling’s wizarding world.
12. Aliens: A widely accepted fan theory suggests that the Xenomorph in Ridley Scott’s classic science fiction horror was not created by a hostile alien race but rather by an ancient Earth civilization. This theory suggests that this species of extraterrestrials were once masters of genetic engineering and used their DNA to create the Xenomorph as a weapon of mass destruction.
13. The Twin Peaks theory is another popular one among show fans. This theory proposes two worlds in Twin Peaks: our world (the Red Room) and an alternate universe (the Black Lodge). The show’s protagonist, Cooper, travels between these two realms to investigate strange occurrences. While the theory is interesting, it has yet to be proven or disproven.
14. Next up, we have the Back to the Future theory, which suggests that Marty McFly and Doc Brown are two versions of the same person from different timelines. This idea is based on a mathematical equation (the Grandfather Paradox) which states that if someone travels through time and meets their younger self, they will become a single person in two separate timelines. The theory is highly debated but very fun to explore!
15. Everything in Inception Is Taking Place Inside Cobb’s Dream – This popular theory suggests that the entire plotline of Christopher Nolan’s complex heist thriller takes place inside Cobb’s dream world.

Other of the Top 20 Movies With Weird and Crazy Theories
16. Forrest Gump Is Dreaming the Entire Movie – This theory suggests that, like Inception, Forrest Gump’s entire life story occurs inside his head as he dreams away in his rocking chair.
17. Fight Club Is Really About Tyler Durden’s Dissociative Identity Disorder. This interpretation suggests that all of the events in Fight Club are simply a result of Tyler Durden’s dissociation from his mental illness.
18. The Wizard Of Oz Asks ‘What If You Could Go Home?’ – It has been suggested that the tale of Dorothy and her friends is a story about the power of nostalgia and the longing for home.
19. The Terminator Is About AI Taking Over – Some believe that James Cameron’s sci-fi action flick is an allegory for artificial intelligence taking over in the future.
20. Jurassic Park Is About Human Extinction – An interesting theory about this dino blockbuster claims it’s about humankind being brought down by its creation and hubris.
These are just a few of the many strange movie theories out there, but they all prove one thing: approaches can make any movie infinitely more interesting! Whatever your opinion on these wild theories, there’s no denying they offer plenty of food for thought. To learn more about these bizarre and crazy movie theories, check out some of our other articles. So why not dive into the darkest depths of movies with these 20 top weirdest theories? You’ll be sure to find something strange and unexpected in the process.